VidMasta 29.5

VidMasta 29.5

Free Find, download, and watch any television series or film available on the Web
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29.5 See all
Anthony Gray
1 / 16
Awards (2)
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Software Informer Virus Free award

If you are a movie and TV series aficionado, you will find in VidMasta an excellent ally to retrieve, download, and watch full series and all kinds of films without leaving your computer. This open-source utility searches for your favorite titles, offers you the best quality available online, and allows you to download and start watching them immediately.

This download manager comes with a powerful engine that searches for your favorite titles online and uses the torrent and P2P protocols to offer you fast and reliable download speeds. Besides, it counts with an IP blocker to avoid bad peers to harm your download experience. The search engine includes some basic filters (type, rating, release date, genre, etc.) that will help you fine-tune the Results list. When a film or series is selected, you’ll be provided with extensive information about it, including a link to the trailer and a more extensive summary.

The download process is fairly smooth. By default, the program will download all the files matching or associated with the title selected, which means that you’ll find the download box not only the film/chapter itself, but also any subtitle files (SRT) associated with it. But, to me, the true beauty of this free tool is its ability to start playing the downloading file as soon as the program’s buffer is full – unless you disable this feature, VidMasta will open up a nice player on a new window where you can start watching your video file just a few seconds after it started downloading. How well this feature will work will depend on your computer’s memory, the download speed of your Internet connection, etc., but if you happen to have a decent PC and a good Internet provider, you’ll be amazed by this new experience.

The only thing that I found really annoying is the high number of hits that don’t seem to have a file attached to them. The amount of these “false positives” grows exponentially as you travel back in time trying to find and download series and films that are not precisely “new”. An internal filter that leaves out non-downloadable files would make this tool almost perfect for all movie and TV series lovers.

FM Senior editor
Francisco Martínez
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Review summary


  • Starts playing back your movie or TV series seconds after starting the download
  • Offers you access to the most recent series and films
  • Downloads also the subtitle files when available
  • Offers extensive information about the item to be downloaded
  • Select seasons and chapters


  • Displays too many "false positives" that are not available for download anymore

Comments (2)

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rating Randy
It works!

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Warning! This software works really good until your 5th download then you have to pay 19.99. It's not mentioned anywhere on the developers site, or on sourceforge's site that It's a trial version. I guess if you are a JAVA coder you can fork the source code and remove the limitation. Shame on Anthony Gray.

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